Revolutionizing Political Economic Analyses: A Review of Kola Ibrahim’s “Revolutionary Pen”
Revolutionizing Political Economic Analyses:
A Review of Kola Ibrahim’s “Revolutionary
Book Title: Revolutionary Pen: Collected Essays
on Nigeria’s and Global Political-Economic Issues, through the eye of a
Author: Kola Ibrahim
Year of Publication: 2015
Number of Pages: 205
Number of Chapters: 9
Reviewer: Abiodun S. Falodun
of events are very important. They serve as not only historical documents but a
guide for the future. The book, Revolutionary Pen has done it
properly as it chronicles events of struggles of the working people, youth and
the poor, that emanated in almost all facets of the encounters of the working
masses and the society at large; at every serially and not seemingly ending
periods of attacks by the state on them.
It does not stop at reporting these events, but goes further to analyse the way
forward the working masses and the society in general can take to end these
state attacks and also to realise their own inherent political power, which can
and only give them the panacea, to rebutting the system of oppression, and take
charge of their patrimony.

from a conventional write up, the book touches on the much awaited and “hoped
for” 2015 Elections, which majority of the Nigerian masses reposed their belief
for “Change” from the rotten and corrupt past Jonathan/PDP-led government in.
It also x-rayed the similarities, nexus and the profit-oriented coloration of
both Jonathan and nascent Buhari governments.
are now in the aftermath of the elections, and the new ‘Change’ government and
agenda are unfolding in the eyes of Nigerians. But before mentioning the
tumultuous struggles of workers and pensioners for a living wage and pensions,
it is necessary to say a few words on the current and unabated Boko Haram
terror camapign in the north-eastern part of Nigeria. The book actually
explains in clear terms, the roots of militancy and insurgency in the Nigerian
society, the creators of this menace, the reasons behind their rise and how
these terror groups and terrorism can be subdued, through the mass actions of
working people, youth, labour movement and community movements. I believe that
if the solutions proffered in this book can be put to practice by those
affected and involved, our society, Nigeria in particular, would have less to
bother about rightwing militancy and terrorism.
to the book, the region where the menace of Boko Haram terrorism is rampant
(the North East Nigeria) is the most underdeveloped part of the country where
an average youth hardly knows the wonders or the efficacy of science and
techniques. The book put forward that the reason is not far-fetched. It
explains how these north-eastern youth could not get access to quality
education, while the bulk of their endowments and patrimonies are being shared
as take-home by rich few in corridors of power. Furthermore, these rich few
utilize divisive instrument of religion and ethnicity to subjugate the mass of
people, as expressed in the use of Sharia by northern ruling elites when they
lost control of political power. The monster of religious division and
radicalization thrown to the society is now confronting the country through the
Boko Haram terrorism.
could try to denounce the plight of workers and their senior brothers, the
pensioners, especially when one enjoys a juicy contract sum from government or
when one is not so ‘lucky’ to be in the employment of capitalist class – either
in the state establishment or private sector. The reality of mass suffering of
workers and pensioners was clearly expressed in the struggle for implementation
of N18, 000 minimum wage and the continuous battle of pensioners for their
pittance called pensions, after they have committed their adult lives to the
public and private establishments. The fact that the fate of the working class
and those of other oppressed and exploited class is interwoven was recently
expressed in Osun State where, as a result of the non-payment of salaries for
several months, other oppressed strata, including market women and artisans, find
it difficult to sustain a decent living and regular income. This underscores
the essence of the book’s serious and detailed analysis of the struggle of
workers and pensions, and linking it with the general economic straitjacket the
capitalist system, nay its neo-colonial type in Nigeria, has pushed the working
and poor people into.
also explores the role of labour leaders and labour movement in the struggle
for living wage and pension payment; drawing out the lessons and errors of the
leadership. The leadership of labour had earlier requested a N52, 200 minimum
wage in 2010 only to settle for N18, 000 minimum wage in early 2011.
Interestingly, when most of the state governments, federal government and
private sector employers refused to implement or properly implement the meagre
wage law, the labour movement could not defend the wage effectively. The same
story could be said of pension of retirees where the labour movement, instead
of defending living pension based on cost of living and other economic and
social indices, supported the fraudulent contributory pension scheme that
deduct from workers’ salary in order to pay them pension. The recent attack on
pensioners by state-sponsored gangsters in June 2015 in Osogbo, Osun State, who
protested non-payment of their pensions for up to a year, and stories retirees
dying on the queues in the process to collect their meagre pensions, reflect
serious suffering pensioners are undergoing. On the other hand, very few in
control of retirees pensions are looting en mass billions from these funds.
there is serious attack on N18, 000 minimum wage as many state governments are
planning to cut the workers’ salaries while some like the Osun State government
have resorted to paying half salaries for workers. There are also plan to sack
several thousands of workers by public and private sector. This section of Revolutionary
Pen, under the title Workers’ and Pensioners’ Struggle, is a vital
material for working people and activists searching for tactics and methods of
defending a better living wage for workers and pensioners. More importantly, it
underscores the need for labour movement to build a new mass party of working
people, youths and the oppressed as a way of permanently ending the misery and
sufferings of workers and pensioners. The writer, Kola Ibrahim, has since 2012
written a book on Minimum Wage struggle where all issues pertaining to minimum
wage were clearly explained.
mass misery and squalor ravaging workers and the entire peasantry at large is
not limited to Nigeria or Africa alone; it spreads across the entire globe.
This itself the working masses must realize that it is a virile tool in the
hands of the state. Examples are not far-fetched. We have cases in the northern
part of Africa and Middle East where youths and working people, fed up with the
failure of global capitalism and their sit tight rulers to improve their lots,
took the road of mass revolts and revolutions against their ruling classes.
This saw the defeat of decades-old regimes such as those of Hosni Mubarak and
Ben Ali in Egypt and Tunisia respectively. Aside spreading like wildfire, the
revolts and revolutions also show the limit of terrorism as a tool of fighting
the ruling class. Regimes that used terrorism as a tool to drive through
anti-poor policies and sustain their rule were overthrown by mass revolts and
revolutions. Of course, most of these revolutions have been derailed with
counterrevolution taking deep root. This is a product of failure of these
revolutions to end the rule of capital and establish a government of workers,
youths and poor. This book underscores the fact that concessions are not won on
a platter of gold, but fought for and won by mass of people organized in their
common struggle to break the stranglehold of ruling class and improve their
book under the section, International Issues, addresses the rise of
revolutionary movements in Egypt, Senegal and Burkina Faso, and the continued
Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It draws on various international issues and the
struggles of the working people globally to underscore the uniformity of
struggle of the working people and the need for international mass movement of
working and oppressed people. It also exposes the hypocrisy and the failure of
global capitalism and imperialism to solve political, social and economic
crises facing humanity.
book also put in proper perspective how the economy has been bastardized by
selling off public properties to private individuals at a give-away prices all
in the name of obnoxious privatization. Example is when Prof. Barth Nnaji who
owns a private electricity firm was made a Minister of Power by the Goodluck
Jonathan government. The resultant effect is that the public power sector was
sold off to private firms close to corridor of power but with no serious plan
to undertake massive long-term investments in the power sector. The same power
sector today has not been performing better than before it was handed over to
private shylocks. The case has been a sorry one with poor people paying the
price with skyrocketing and estimated bill for unavailable electricity. The
country after committing over $20 billion to the sector since the civil rule
began in 1999 can only boost of about 4,000 megawatts of electricity for a
population of over 170 million. Meanwhile, South Africa with around a quarter
of Nigeria’s population generates more than 40, 000 megawatts. Even at that,
millions of working class South Africans do not have access to electricity.
Pen submits that only when our economy is nationalized
under democratic public control and management can we have serious plan of
massive development of the power sector as part of the holistic plan to develop
the economy and the society. The book explores various capitalist options
propounded by bourgeois strategists and clearly shows how Nigeria cannot get
out of its underdevelopment under this system.
the educational crisis in the country, the book provides analysis on how
governments at various levels and at different times have neglected the
education sector through under funding and capitalist policies of
commercialization, rationalization and privatization. The chapter on education
titled Education Sector, addresses various issues ranging from analysis of the
education sector especially in view of the 2013 six-month strike of the
university lecturers’ union, ASUU, to attempt of the Fashola government to
totally price education out of the reach of the poor by hiking fees in Lagos
State University (LASU), the only state owned university by over one thousand
percent. It also addresses the issue of private university education that is
becoming a significant feature of education system in Nigeria; while the book
also addresses the problem of non-functioning library system in Nigeria, which as
the author noted, mirrors the crisis in the education sector as a whole. The
author was himself a proven student leader and activist during his days as a
student; therefore, his proposals and analyses clearly expressed those of an
insider, who has been part and parcel of the struggle and debate about proper
funding and management of education sector.
economic analysis ranging from the global economic meltdown that started in
2008 to the banking crisis in Nigeria in 2009 and the fraudulent bailout system
under Jonathan administration, give vivid view of the future of Nigeria, nay
the world under the current capitalist system. Not to be forgotten also is the
analysis on the health sector vis-à-vis the Ebola virus disease and the attack
on doctors in Lagos State by the Fashola government. The health sector analysis
clearly delves into the root of the crisis facing the health sector such as
inadequate funding and mismanagement of health institutions by government
appointed managers. In the analysis on Ebola, the book also dwells on the role
of global political economy and especially the pharmaceutical companies in the
health crisis especially in Africa and third world countries. The author, just
as he did in the education sector, challenged the in-house unions in the health
sector to rise to the occasion by building a united platform of struggle to
seek improvement in the health sector. The book conclusively links this with
the ultimate political challenge before the working and poor people, by linking
the health sector crisis with the political economy of Nigeria, nay Africa.
the book is a library material for students and academics seeking historical
analyses and alternative narrative on the political, social and economic issues
in Nigeria, Africa and the world. The ending chapter on politics, which includes
an essay on the politics and personality of the late pro-democracy activist,
Gani Fawehinmi, a discourse on the undemocratic nature of Nigeria’s electoral
system, and the debate on the political crisis generated by the health problem
and eventual death of the late president Umar Yar’Adua, is also worth reading.
is an honour to write a review of such an important historical book as
Revolutionary Pen. The book is both revolutionary in its analyses and
alternative approach to documenting political, social, economic and historical
issues. Of course, I hope the publisher will improve on the quality of the book
in terms of its production including its cover and graphics. However, the
content and the historical value of the book far outweigh in manifolds, the
shortcoming of the production. I therefore recommend the book to activists and
civil society community; students of politics, history and economics;
researchers and academics; labour leaders, journalists/media practitioners, and
all those interested in alternative and leftwing understanding of Nigeria’s and
global political economic issues.
Abiodun S. Falodun
Coordinator, Campaign for
Democratic and Workers’ Rights (CDWR), Osun State Chapter
26 December 2015
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